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Sunday, April 29, 2012

30 Day Check In

Today is officially 30 days into my Lifestyle change.  There have been some minor set backs this month.  Including, ear infections, sinus infections, soreness beyond belief where I couldn't even walk down stairs, medication changes that increased my appetite (I am done with those now), schedule upsets, working later shifts, and switching gyms with the closing of the highways for repairs.
So where do I stack up in the 30 days?  Did I achieve anything that I set out to do?  What are the biggest differences?  Can I continue to live my life with these changes?
Yes! I did achieve the #1 goal!  I have energy!  I am no longer the self proclaimed lazy one in the relationship.  I may not workout every day, but I have noticed better sleeping habits.  The increase in activity has allowed me to sleep more soundly through the night and I wake up feeling better in the morning.  I have also found that I would rather play outside with the dogs than sit on the couch watching TV.
Major changes?  Again sleep is the biggest I think, but there were some others.  Due to the medications I was on during 14 of the 30 days with my ear infections I did not end up losing any weight.  It made me so hungry!  But that is ok because I was able to maintain my weight!  Another major change for those of you that do not know I was not able to continue with the workouts being a smoker.  So 15 days ago I quit smoking.  It was easier than I thought to quit.  (now I did not say it was easy!  It is difficult!  It was just easier this time because there is real reason behind it.)  I get through my workouts with much greater ease than before.  I find at CF when I try new things I am much stronger than I think I am.  I try everything at least once.  I also find that the running that I have started again has been much more enjoyable.  I am having fun running with my dog or my cousin!  It is not a workout chore, it is a reward from the day to go running and not answer a phone or worry about driving in traffic.  I am loving increasing my milage and seeing how quickly I get better at it.  I ran 4 miles today!!!!  I have never ran more than a 5K so that is a PR on the last day here.  I couldn't be more proud of myself for running 4 miles!
So the big question is can I maintain this lifestyle?  YES!  YES!  YES!  This is all maintainable for me.  The new recipes and foods are enjoyable.  The other members at the CF box are motivating and encouraging.  I am registering to run the second leg of the Roadrunner Marathon with my cousins.  I CAN do all of this.
I will continue to blog my journey for the summer.  I am switching my focus to speeding up my running and getting stronger and leaner with CrossFit.  So the blog won't be all about the soreness of trying new things all the time.  I will add CF WODs, paleo recipes, running information, and my progress to getting in shape.
Thank you all for your support!  I didn't think that I would reach so many people with this blog!  I am so blessed to have friends and family that really want to see me happy and healthy.  So CHEERS to the next 30 days of health and happiness for all of us!

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