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Saturday, April 7, 2012

WOD Drunk

Day 8 workout number 4.  I was not really feeling like going today.  I still feel a little bit off with the allergies.  However I was there.
The warm up-It always starts with 2 minutes of jump rope
25 jumping jacks
10 hand release push ups (mine were done from knees)
1 rope climb (I lay on floor and pull myself up with rope and arms only)
15 air squats
Then today the WOD was a 14lb med ball partner workout.  I was really happy to have Sarah there with me!  She had to pick up some slack for me.  THANKS SARAH!!!  You Rock!
50 18in box jumps
50 wall balls
50 sit ups
50 squat cleans
200 meter run
Oh yeah and when you finish that start all over again!  This was 2 rounds.  We finished in 22:22.  Not too bad considering I was hurting through the whole thing.
When I got out to my car I had what Eric refers to as "WOD drunk"  This is when you are so exhausted that you actually are experiencing a feeling of being drunk.  It is really strange.  So I had to sit in my car for a few minutes until I felt a little normal again.
My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow for sure!

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