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Sunday, April 1, 2012

First WOD Ever!

I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about my background. My name is Becky and I am 30 years old. I have a wonderful husband, 2 great pups, a supportive family, a fabulous career...but something has been missing. I am too tired and unfocused to fully enjoy all the blessings in my life. I am looking to motivate my life and become stronger, more focused, and finally feel good about myself. If I drop a few pounds in the process great, but that is not my primary focus.
My husband has always been a "gym rat", athletic type that will try anything. He began CrossFit about 7 years ago. I was intrigued by the fitness and wellness levels that he has acheived, but never really tried it. He has recently become a Level I CrossFit trainer at a local Box. I decided that I am sick of being the lazy one in the relationship and I have joined a box as well. Intimidated by going to his I have joined a different Box in the area.
March 30, 2012 was my first class. I was a little nervous on the 20 minute drive to my class. I do not know anyone that is going there to train today.
So here I am at my first CF class..."please don't tell me I have to do Burpees" was all that was racing through my mind. Chris the trainer, "Ok everybody. Line up at one end of the mats and lets do Burpees the length of the mat."
All I could think was I have walked into my personal hell! Oh and that I did NOT want to be the girl puking. So I did the warm up. I did not die or puke! Bonus!
Then came the WOD (Workout Of the Day)
10 25lb Kettlebell swings
6 Pull ups (mine were assisted)
8 65lb Push Press
4 Sumo Squat High Pulls
10 minutes
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
I was able to get through 4 and a half rounds. I was pretty proud of myself!
That brings me to TODAY! I could barely get out of bed this morning. My quads are on fire with every step I take, my biceps want to explode out of my arms, and my lower back and core are not happy when I go up or down the stairs. Somehow this is actually motivating to me. I am excited to return to CF tomorrow night. Dare I say that after one WOD I am catching the bug?
I have purchased a 20 visit package to use within 30 days. This is my journey!

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