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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Girl WODS will always suck...

So tonight's WOD was Kelly....
RX: 400m run
         30 20inch box jumps
         30 14lb wall balls
Repeat 5X
I am still scaling this stuff!  I swear I will never be able to do a complete WOD as prescribed ever!  But I guess that is what keeps me going.  I wonder if I will ever be able to really do it.
So my scaled back version wasn't much better.
   400 m run
   15 14 inch box jumps
   15 10lb wall balls
Repeat 4X
I am so glad I quit smoking!  My lungs were on fire during round 3!  However today I realized something...I have increase my box jumps by 2 inches,  I increased my wall balls by 2lbs, and I was there while my husband was helping to instruct the class!  This is real progress for me.  So maybe I am not doing a workout as prescribed, it doesn't make me weak.  I am getting stronger and more confident every time I walk in for another round of CrossFit insanity.
I wonder what I have in store for me tomorrow...

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