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Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 3 (Soreness Hangover)

So today is day 3 of my journey.  I was hoping to make it to my second class tonight.  However, the soreness in my legs that made me fall during a trip to the grocery store stopped me from attempting it.  Yes I said I fell!  My right leg just gave out and I wiped out in the middle of the produce section of the store.  I really hope that the security cameras caught it and they have pleasure in my pain while re-watching the ridiculousness of me trying to scrape myself up off the floor in high heels.
I was actually there to pick up some veggies for my Paleo diet that I am also working on.   The Paleo diet is also a part of my journey.   I have been gluten free due to allergies for about 5 years now so this part shouldn't be quite as difficult for me.  For those of you that do not know what this a nutshell it is a grain free, dairy free diet.  However, I will being doing a version called Paleo Moo.  This includes dairy in the diet.  All fiber and carbs are delivered through the veggies and fruit that I eat.
OK...since I was fearful of going to CrossFit tonight (physically I could not do a burpee to save my life at this point) I decided to go for a very slow 30 minute walk and then soak in a Epsom salt bath for 30 minutes.  I have also increased the amount of fish oil that I take daily to help with the soreness.  And I am taking Advil for inflammation!  So I am hoping to wake up tomorrow a new woman!
I have decided that unless I am worse tomorrow (I seriously do NOT think that this could be possible) I will suck up any discomfort and participate in the WOD.

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