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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nervous Nelly about Class 2...

So here I am on day 4 of the 30 days...still sore, but feeling a little better today.  I made it through the workday.  (Mostly because I was smart enough to wear flats today)
I was determined to make it to the CF class tonight.  I get in my car and begin the 20 minute drive.  Oh no, I am more nervous as I get closer.  I have no idea what I have in store for me tonight.  I don't know who the instructor will be.  (there are quite a few at this box) The closer I get the more I want to turn around.  I suck it up and walk in.
Yeah it is Chris!!  The same instructor from my first WOD.  I immediately feel better.  So now for the warm up...
I grab a jump rope and start!  All of a sudden my soreness is gone.  I am able to move again easily.  
Warm up 2X
15 nose to wall air squats
10 good mornings with 45lb barbell
5 pull throughs
Easy!  I got through without a scratch.
Mobility however, that is another story.  Stretch the cat 5X.  This may look easy, but I am here to tell you that when you are hanging onto those rings your body starts swinging and there is no coming back.  Good thing we did them over a mat and from the lower rings.  Oh and I needed assistance to swing my fat butt over after 1 try.  One time is all I could do alone.  But I guess that is the reason I am there right?!  To develop these skills.
Deadlift.  They helped me find my max deadlift.  I am proud to say that my max rep to start out is 135lb.  
95lb squat clean
Ring dips (I had to substitute bar dips)
20 sec on 10 sec rest each move 8X 
Seems easy enough right?!  WRONG!!!  At the end of the WOD I fell to the floor!  Seriously that is 8 minutes.  Thats all!  Eight tiny little minutes.  My arms and hamstrings were about to explode!  
Then comes the GHDs.  This contraption looks like something used to torture people.  Guess is!  One minute of GHDs is TORTURE!!!!  
So now here I am sucking down what I think is a rather tasty chocolate and peanut butter protein shake.  I will be praying that I can move when I wake up.  The goal is to be there for class again tomorrow!

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