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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prepare Day...Ready for the Week Ahead

Day and welcome evidence that my changes are working SLEEP!  I am tired, and sleeping well.  I have now had 2 nights of full sleep.  I did not wake up in the middle of the night 5 times like usual.  I am worn out from working hard, not worn out from doing nothing.
My entire upper body is sore today though.  Must have been the 14lb medicine ball I was attempting to workout with yesterday.  Shoulders, arms, even my back all stiff and sore today.  I feel like I may be adjusting to having some amount of soreness to my body now.
Today was a "get ready for the week" day.  I made a paleo chicken salad for lunches this week.  I couldn't wait to eat it.  YUMMY!  I even shared it with my mom I thought it was so good.  I learned how to roast my own peppers while doing it.  I feel pretty accomplished!  My husband,  Eric, made paleo blueberry muffins.  Oh so good.  They smelled so good even the dog jumped up and stole on while they were cooling.  (I was not happy about it, but Ava loved it)  Eric also made a curry chicken with mock rice (cauliflower) dish for the week.  So I am prepared to eat healthy all week.
I am having fun with finding new recipes to try.  I have found that the website Pinterest has many paleo recipes, it links to sites that will then have even more to choose from.  I also found other things for CF on this site, everything from hand wraps, to compression socks, to tshirts, to workouts.  It is a great site to search and then link up to sites I really like.
So I think bed time will come early tonight so that I can prepare myself for the week ahead.  I am actually looking forward to my crazy workouts this week!

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