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Thursday, April 19, 2012

WOD #2 at Utility

I went back for more tonight.  I am feeling good and not too sore.  Tonight I was the only women in the class with 6 men.  (A little intimidating at first.)  I also paired up with Eric for the strength-power cleans.  So he helped me out with my form.  For some reason the squat clean came a little easier and I felt the need to go into a squat on almost every single rep.  However, I was given encouraging words that it is all about muscle memory and I just have to do the move about a thousand more times and I will be fine.  (Oh man!)
I really like that every class starts out with the same warm up.  
1 minute jump ropes
15 pass throughs
15 air squats 
15 over head squats
This is so much easier to remember!
So today's WOD was also scaled back for me.  
5 power cleans (25lbs)
200 m run
I finished in 8:55, I was hoping to be a little quicker, but I am also not trying to kill myself.  I am happy with the change to a new Box.  The drive is much better and it makes the time spent working out about 30 minutes less.  
No CF tomorrow due to having to work late, but I will be running in the morning.  It feels great to be back on track.  
(Oh and the whole not wanting to go to my husband's gym's long gone.  I am now comfortable with not being perfect.  I will never be perfect, but I can enjoy working out and being my best self.  Which is what he has been trying to get me to do all along!)  Thanks Muscles for supporting me!

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