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Sunday, April 29, 2012

30 Day Check In

Today is officially 30 days into my Lifestyle change.  There have been some minor set backs this month.  Including, ear infections, sinus infections, soreness beyond belief where I couldn't even walk down stairs, medication changes that increased my appetite (I am done with those now), schedule upsets, working later shifts, and switching gyms with the closing of the highways for repairs.
So where do I stack up in the 30 days?  Did I achieve anything that I set out to do?  What are the biggest differences?  Can I continue to live my life with these changes?
Yes! I did achieve the #1 goal!  I have energy!  I am no longer the self proclaimed lazy one in the relationship.  I may not workout every day, but I have noticed better sleeping habits.  The increase in activity has allowed me to sleep more soundly through the night and I wake up feeling better in the morning.  I have also found that I would rather play outside with the dogs than sit on the couch watching TV.
Major changes?  Again sleep is the biggest I think, but there were some others.  Due to the medications I was on during 14 of the 30 days with my ear infections I did not end up losing any weight.  It made me so hungry!  But that is ok because I was able to maintain my weight!  Another major change for those of you that do not know I was not able to continue with the workouts being a smoker.  So 15 days ago I quit smoking.  It was easier than I thought to quit.  (now I did not say it was easy!  It is difficult!  It was just easier this time because there is real reason behind it.)  I get through my workouts with much greater ease than before.  I find at CF when I try new things I am much stronger than I think I am.  I try everything at least once.  I also find that the running that I have started again has been much more enjoyable.  I am having fun running with my dog or my cousin!  It is not a workout chore, it is a reward from the day to go running and not answer a phone or worry about driving in traffic.  I am loving increasing my milage and seeing how quickly I get better at it.  I ran 4 miles today!!!!  I have never ran more than a 5K so that is a PR on the last day here.  I couldn't be more proud of myself for running 4 miles!
So the big question is can I maintain this lifestyle?  YES!  YES!  YES!  This is all maintainable for me.  The new recipes and foods are enjoyable.  The other members at the CF box are motivating and encouraging.  I am registering to run the second leg of the Roadrunner Marathon with my cousins.  I CAN do all of this.
I will continue to blog my journey for the summer.  I am switching my focus to speeding up my running and getting stronger and leaner with CrossFit.  So the blog won't be all about the soreness of trying new things all the time.  I will add CF WODs, paleo recipes, running information, and my progress to getting in shape.
Thank you all for your support!  I didn't think that I would reach so many people with this blog!  I am so blessed to have friends and family that really want to see me happy and healthy.  So CHEERS to the next 30 days of health and happiness for all of us!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Burpees make me want to puke...

I walked into CF tonight excited to workout.  Then I see the white board.  WHAT?!?!?!  I have just walked into hell.  Burpee box jumps?  You have got to be kidding me!
Tonights WOD
25 8lb Wall Balls
20 Burpee 12 inch Box jumps
15 8lb Wall Balls
10 Burpee 12 inch Box jumps
5 8lb Wall Balls.

As I walked over to start my first round of burpee box jumps I was ready to just give up.  I still have a little fear of the box jumps.  I am afraid that I am going to slam my shins into the side and miss the box.  I also really HATE burpees.  I feel like I am flopping all over the place and in all reality I probably am and no one is telling me.  So both the thing I fear and the thing I despise are both in the same movement.  I decided that since there was a cap on time I would just start them.  If it took me 20 minutes to get through just those first 20 burpee box jumps then so be it!  I had to do it for myself.  Well I finished the entire WOD in 8:25.  Not bad considering I didn't know if I would make it through the first half.

I don't know if I will ever be truly comfortable with the box jumps and I am pretty confident that I will NEVER enjoy doing a burpee.  However, if they help my butt look good in a pair of skinny jeans I will suck it up!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Snatch X30

Snatch, this may seem like a funny word, however when referring to a workout it is not funny at all.  This is a starting from the ground to overhead in one explosive motion, in very simple terms.  I was taught tonight the basics of a snatch with a PVC pipe.  Then the WOD
30 Snatches for time (45lb weight for me)

I struggled through this awkward movement for the first 10 and then the movement started to become a little easier.  I don't think I will ever be able to perfect this movement and I am just fine with that.  I just hope to be able to do it without so much mental anguish every single time.  All I could hear in my head was one of the instructors, "Through the roof!"
I am quickly learning that this is a process and that I will always have more to learn and things to be better at.  This reminds me of a quote that Eric told me, "Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better."  Coco Crossfit.  I am reminding myself that I am getting better.
So since the workout was quick and intense I met up with my cousin and her son for a 2 mile jog along the tow path by my house.  A very nice way to wind down my night.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

New running partner-my pup!

Today was another run day.  The CF I have joined has an open gym on Sunday.  This means that any member can go in and work on anything that they want or do a workout that was missed earlier in the week.  I decided that this is not a big goal for me to attend, it is probably too early into my CF experience to really gain much from it.
So instead I took my 5 year old rottie Ava for a light 2.5 mile jog instead. We had fun on the tow path even in the rain.  She helped keep me motivated.  When my pace would slow a little she would rub her face on my hip and remind me to stay focused.
However I am now having issues with my food.  The steroids that I am on for my ear issues are causing extreme hunger and bloating.  As soon as I finish eating I am thinking about eating again!  I did make my chicken salad for lunches this week.  So I am trying to stay prepared and good for the week.  However, Eric took me to my favorite, Pav's, and for the second time this week I had the NY cheesecake ice cream!  The only good news is that is not the flavor of the week starting tomorrow, so I cannot go back for it.
I am also still struggling with my ever changing schedule.  So food and time management are my focus this week.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Soreness that feels good

Today is an off day.  I started the day off with a slow 30 minute jog.  I didn't even realize my legs were sore until I began my run.  I think I am feeling the box jumps from 2 days ago now.  As I was running I was actually thinking to myself that this soreness that I have actually feels good!  The strength training that I am now doing I believe is helping my running.  My legs feel really strong when I have run recently. Back to CF tomorrow for some more punishment to this out of shape body.  I CAN'T WAIT!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

WOD #2 at Utility

I went back for more tonight.  I am feeling good and not too sore.  Tonight I was the only women in the class with 6 men.  (A little intimidating at first.)  I also paired up with Eric for the strength-power cleans.  So he helped me out with my form.  For some reason the squat clean came a little easier and I felt the need to go into a squat on almost every single rep.  However, I was given encouraging words that it is all about muscle memory and I just have to do the move about a thousand more times and I will be fine.  (Oh man!)
I really like that every class starts out with the same warm up.  
1 minute jump ropes
15 pass throughs
15 air squats 
15 over head squats
This is so much easier to remember!
So today's WOD was also scaled back for me.  
5 power cleans (25lbs)
200 m run
I finished in 8:55, I was hoping to be a little quicker, but I am also not trying to kill myself.  I am happy with the change to a new Box.  The drive is much better and it makes the time spent working out about 30 minutes less.  
No CF tomorrow due to having to work late, but I will be running in the morning.  It feels great to be back on track.  
(Oh and the whole not wanting to go to my husband's gym's long gone.  I am now comfortable with not being perfect.  I will never be perfect, but I can enjoy working out and being my best self.  Which is what he has been trying to get me to do all along!)  Thanks Muscles for supporting me!

Back at it....

Hello All.  I know I have been away for a while with posting.  I had double ear infections and now I am fighting fluid in the tubes in my ears.  Needless to say this has caused me pain and vertigo that was not good for being in the gym.
However, I was back at it last night.  I have started at a new CrossFit gym now.  This is much closer to home and happens to be where my husband trains.  Last night he was next to me in the class though.   The trainer was so nice and understood my limitations and scaled things back a bit for me to allow me to get a good workout but not kill me.
The WOD...
40 Double unders (scaled to 80 singles)
30 Box jumps (scaled to about 12 inches)
20 Kettlebell Swings (15lbs)
5 rounds (scaled to only 4 rounds for me)
I finished in 14 minutes!
After that I met up with my cousin and went for a 30 minute light jog.  I will be going to be on her Akron Roadrunner Marathon relay team.  So here's to back at the gym and running as well.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prepare Day...Ready for the Week Ahead

Day and welcome evidence that my changes are working SLEEP!  I am tired, and sleeping well.  I have now had 2 nights of full sleep.  I did not wake up in the middle of the night 5 times like usual.  I am worn out from working hard, not worn out from doing nothing.
My entire upper body is sore today though.  Must have been the 14lb medicine ball I was attempting to workout with yesterday.  Shoulders, arms, even my back all stiff and sore today.  I feel like I may be adjusting to having some amount of soreness to my body now.
Today was a "get ready for the week" day.  I made a paleo chicken salad for lunches this week.  I couldn't wait to eat it.  YUMMY!  I even shared it with my mom I thought it was so good.  I learned how to roast my own peppers while doing it.  I feel pretty accomplished!  My husband,  Eric, made paleo blueberry muffins.  Oh so good.  They smelled so good even the dog jumped up and stole on while they were cooling.  (I was not happy about it, but Ava loved it)  Eric also made a curry chicken with mock rice (cauliflower) dish for the week.  So I am prepared to eat healthy all week.
I am having fun with finding new recipes to try.  I have found that the website Pinterest has many paleo recipes, it links to sites that will then have even more to choose from.  I also found other things for CF on this site, everything from hand wraps, to compression socks, to tshirts, to workouts.  It is a great site to search and then link up to sites I really like.
So I think bed time will come early tonight so that I can prepare myself for the week ahead.  I am actually looking forward to my crazy workouts this week!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

WOD Drunk

Day 8 workout number 4.  I was not really feeling like going today.  I still feel a little bit off with the allergies.  However I was there.
The warm up-It always starts with 2 minutes of jump rope
25 jumping jacks
10 hand release push ups (mine were done from knees)
1 rope climb (I lay on floor and pull myself up with rope and arms only)
15 air squats
Then today the WOD was a 14lb med ball partner workout.  I was really happy to have Sarah there with me!  She had to pick up some slack for me.  THANKS SARAH!!!  You Rock!
50 18in box jumps
50 wall balls
50 sit ups
50 squat cleans
200 meter run
Oh yeah and when you finish that start all over again!  This was 2 rounds.  We finished in 22:22.  Not too bad considering I was hurting through the whole thing.
When I got out to my car I had what Eric refers to as "WOD drunk"  This is when you are so exhausted that you actually are experiencing a feeling of being drunk.  It is really strange.  So I had to sit in my car for a few minutes until I felt a little normal again.
My legs are going to be killing me tomorrow for sure!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Who am I trying to fool? I am NOT a morning person.

Here's Day 7.  I did not make it to the 5:30am class.  I am NOT a morning person, and despite my best efforts it didn't happen.  I am also not feeling so well today.  I slept awful last night, my head is throbbing, my eyes are itchy, my ears are sloshy, and I have had this weird feeling in my throat all day.  I think the Spring allergies are now upon me.
The evening class at CF is not a class it is an open gym.  This means that you can go in and do whatever workout you want.  After only attending 3 classes so far I am not really secure in going in and not feeling all that well I have decided today will be another rest day.  On the positive side I have lost 3 pounds this week!  This was not my original intention, as I am looking to be stronger and have more energy as a result of CF.  However, the results are motivating at the end of my first week.  
Tomorrow is a new I will take some allergy meds and take it easy tonight and will be back for more CF tomorrow at noon!  Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Differences-taking control!

Day 6...Today is an off day from the gym.  After yesterday's grueling workout I am a little sore, but not as sore as Day 1.  Maybe I am beginning to build up a little tolerance for the soreness.
So here I am almost a week into my journey, and I have noticed a few changes or differences from other workout programs that I have tried.

1.  The Aerobics class-I would go and try out new classes offered and never receive much instruction because there would be one teacher to about 15-20 students.  It is more of a follow the leader type workout.  I also never felt completely accepted.  At CF I have 1 on 1 instruction on every move I make to start out.  Also when I walk in and see a new face they immediately offer a hand shake and introduce themselves to me!  I know everyone I am working out with.  The CF instructors and others in the class actually cheer you on through your workout.  It is an amazing feeling as you are pushing with that last bit of effort in you to hear, "That's it Becky!  Push!  You are doing awesome!"  Who doesn't want to hear that when you are working out?!  I love it!

2.  Home videos-I don't have to do it.  I will admit to skipping over the difficult parts or parts I just don't like.  Nobody sees me.  Nobody knows I just skipped that part.  Nobody cheers me on directly.  Nobody cares if I do it or not.  At CF everybody sees you.  Everybody wants you to push through and succeed at the difficult stuff.  Everybody cheers you on.

3.  The gym-As a girl the gym is very intimidating!  I would find a piece of equipment, read the instructions printed on the side, and adjust everything to my height and as soon as I would start my first reps someone would come over and stand there waiting for the machine, timing me.  Then on the treadmills, ellipticals or bikes there are sign ups, time limits, and again someone standing there waiting for their turn.  I always felt rushed like I was taking up another person's time by working out.  At CF everyone works together.  I am never in someone's way.  If I am slower than another person they will cheer me on to help me through rather than looking irritated that I am taking up time.

I hope that me realizing these differences it will help make a difference in my commitment.  I have already noticed a difference in that I am sleeping so much better.  I am also eating better then ever and without feeling deprived or having cravings for unhealthy foods.  This has come very naturally.
So in 6 days I really do feel like I am taking back my life and that I have more control than ever!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Attempting to induce vomit WOD!

WOD number 3 is in the books!  I was very excited to go tonight, and not because I have a rest day tomorrow, but because I had a buddy there tonight.  My friend Sarah shared my pain in a very intense workout.
We grabbed a few jump ropes to warm up.  Then the 5 of us follow our instructor out the back door.  Oh my! I knew this would be an interesting warm up.  I was correct!  
25lb overhead walking lunges (this is horrible)
Farmers walk 
Oh yeah and a tire flip.  At least this was done doubles so Sarah and I were a pretty good team.  
After that fabulous warm up came HELL!  
The WOD...
60 double unders (this meant 180 singles for me as I am not able to do the double unders yet)
50 air squats
40 parallette push ups  modified by being on my knees)
30 burpee toes to bar (modified by knee lifts, I can't get my toes overhead just yet)
20 25lb one arm kettlebell swings 10 on each side
10 wall climbs ( I didn't get all the way up but I was pretty impressed with myself)
5 muscle ups (modified with 15 dips and 15 assisted pull ups)
My time 18:11!!!  HOLY CRAP!  I seriously felt as if I was attempting to induce vomiting throughout the entire thing!  However, I can say I have made it through 3 workouts without, and my biggest fear was that I would puke in the middle of the workout.  I think I am making progress!  We shall see how I feel tomorrow.  Next workout Friday 5:30am!  I must be crazy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This is how I am feeling after Elizabeth

Nervous Nelly about Class 2...

So here I am on day 4 of the 30 days...still sore, but feeling a little better today.  I made it through the workday.  (Mostly because I was smart enough to wear flats today)
I was determined to make it to the CF class tonight.  I get in my car and begin the 20 minute drive.  Oh no, I am more nervous as I get closer.  I have no idea what I have in store for me tonight.  I don't know who the instructor will be.  (there are quite a few at this box) The closer I get the more I want to turn around.  I suck it up and walk in.
Yeah it is Chris!!  The same instructor from my first WOD.  I immediately feel better.  So now for the warm up...
I grab a jump rope and start!  All of a sudden my soreness is gone.  I am able to move again easily.  
Warm up 2X
15 nose to wall air squats
10 good mornings with 45lb barbell
5 pull throughs
Easy!  I got through without a scratch.
Mobility however, that is another story.  Stretch the cat 5X.  This may look easy, but I am here to tell you that when you are hanging onto those rings your body starts swinging and there is no coming back.  Good thing we did them over a mat and from the lower rings.  Oh and I needed assistance to swing my fat butt over after 1 try.  One time is all I could do alone.  But I guess that is the reason I am there right?!  To develop these skills.
Deadlift.  They helped me find my max deadlift.  I am proud to say that my max rep to start out is 135lb.  
95lb squat clean
Ring dips (I had to substitute bar dips)
20 sec on 10 sec rest each move 8X 
Seems easy enough right?!  WRONG!!!  At the end of the WOD I fell to the floor!  Seriously that is 8 minutes.  Thats all!  Eight tiny little minutes.  My arms and hamstrings were about to explode!  
Then comes the GHDs.  This contraption looks like something used to torture people.  Guess is!  One minute of GHDs is TORTURE!!!!  
So now here I am sucking down what I think is a rather tasty chocolate and peanut butter protein shake.  I will be praying that I can move when I wake up.  The goal is to be there for class again tomorrow!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Day 3 (Soreness Hangover)

So today is day 3 of my journey.  I was hoping to make it to my second class tonight.  However, the soreness in my legs that made me fall during a trip to the grocery store stopped me from attempting it.  Yes I said I fell!  My right leg just gave out and I wiped out in the middle of the produce section of the store.  I really hope that the security cameras caught it and they have pleasure in my pain while re-watching the ridiculousness of me trying to scrape myself up off the floor in high heels.
I was actually there to pick up some veggies for my Paleo diet that I am also working on.   The Paleo diet is also a part of my journey.   I have been gluten free due to allergies for about 5 years now so this part shouldn't be quite as difficult for me.  For those of you that do not know what this a nutshell it is a grain free, dairy free diet.  However, I will being doing a version called Paleo Moo.  This includes dairy in the diet.  All fiber and carbs are delivered through the veggies and fruit that I eat.
OK...since I was fearful of going to CrossFit tonight (physically I could not do a burpee to save my life at this point) I decided to go for a very slow 30 minute walk and then soak in a Epsom salt bath for 30 minutes.  I have also increased the amount of fish oil that I take daily to help with the soreness.  And I am taking Advil for inflammation!  So I am hoping to wake up tomorrow a new woman!
I have decided that unless I am worse tomorrow (I seriously do NOT think that this could be possible) I will suck up any discomfort and participate in the WOD.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

First WOD Ever!

I would like to introduce myself and tell you a little about my background. My name is Becky and I am 30 years old. I have a wonderful husband, 2 great pups, a supportive family, a fabulous career...but something has been missing. I am too tired and unfocused to fully enjoy all the blessings in my life. I am looking to motivate my life and become stronger, more focused, and finally feel good about myself. If I drop a few pounds in the process great, but that is not my primary focus.
My husband has always been a "gym rat", athletic type that will try anything. He began CrossFit about 7 years ago. I was intrigued by the fitness and wellness levels that he has acheived, but never really tried it. He has recently become a Level I CrossFit trainer at a local Box. I decided that I am sick of being the lazy one in the relationship and I have joined a box as well. Intimidated by going to his I have joined a different Box in the area.
March 30, 2012 was my first class. I was a little nervous on the 20 minute drive to my class. I do not know anyone that is going there to train today.
So here I am at my first CF class..."please don't tell me I have to do Burpees" was all that was racing through my mind. Chris the trainer, "Ok everybody. Line up at one end of the mats and lets do Burpees the length of the mat."
All I could think was I have walked into my personal hell! Oh and that I did NOT want to be the girl puking. So I did the warm up. I did not die or puke! Bonus!
Then came the WOD (Workout Of the Day)
10 25lb Kettlebell swings
6 Pull ups (mine were assisted)
8 65lb Push Press
4 Sumo Squat High Pulls
10 minutes
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
I was able to get through 4 and a half rounds. I was pretty proud of myself!
That brings me to TODAY! I could barely get out of bed this morning. My quads are on fire with every step I take, my biceps want to explode out of my arms, and my lower back and core are not happy when I go up or down the stairs. Somehow this is actually motivating to me. I am excited to return to CF tomorrow night. Dare I say that after one WOD I am catching the bug?
I have purchased a 20 visit package to use within 30 days. This is my journey!