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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Soreness like I just started all over again.

WOW...that WOD yesterday, appropriately dubbed "Evil" by the trainers,  kicked my butt.  My arms, my chest, my quads, my hamstrings, my calves...this list could continue going until I named every body part.  I haven't been this sore since I started in March!  So I decided that it would be a good day to head out for a run.  
What a beautiful night on the Ohio Erie Canal Towpath!  A nice breeze as I ran 3.5 miles.  I did get a new app for my iPhone called Ease into a 10K.  This tells you when to run and when to walk.  So I am beginning to see an increase in my speed and distance since every run is based on 40 minutes if I use this app for about 6 weeks, and then the time will increase along with distant goals.  I needed an easier night and a run to clear my head.  I really think some of my best thoughts and ideas come to me while running.
Beginning tomorrow I am focusing on increasing calcium and iron in the diet.  We shall see if this makes me feel any better.  I have been struggling a little bit with what I think my performance should be and read up on a few fitness sites that those 2 things are vital to performance and most women are deficient in both.   I am hoping that a few days of this will help turn things around for me.  

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