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Monday, June 11, 2012

I NEED to run.

I am beginning to feel the NEED to run.  I NEED to run to focus.  I NEED to run to clear my head at the end of the day.  I NEED to feel the sweat on my brow.  I NEED to feel my lungs open up and suck in the fresh air.  I NEED to feel my legs pushing off the ground and propel me forward.  I NEED to run!
Now this is a crazy feeling for me.  Just 72 days ago I stepped into a CrossFit gym and thought that I wouldn't make it through my first workout.  Today I ran a 5K as a training run.   This is a pretty drastic change in less than 90 days.  I committed to running a 7.5 mile run, however when I did this I did not consider myself a "runner".  Actually I haven't considered myself a runner until tonight.  I was running in a gentle rain, sucking air into my lungs, listening to the frogs in the canal, and I realized...I am running in the rain!  I would have never ran in the rain!  I thought that was for extreme, fit, healthy people.  I don't currently consider myself any of those terms.  However I do feel like I am on my way to fit and healthy.
Tonight I also had the pleasure of coming home to a grass fed bison steak and cabbage, onion, bacon side dish, my husband is a great paleo chef!  I really think he has a calling in this.  He also made kale chips that made it out of the oven and straight into our bellies.  I finished out the night with a paleo brownie, the base is mashed dates rather than flour.
This has been a great start to the week.  It is now time to keep the momentum going!

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