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Monday, June 4, 2012

Looking forward to "date" runs.

Tonight was a 40 minute run with my "running buddy," my cousin Ginger.  I really look forward to our Monday date runs together now.  She tells me stories about her 6 year old son that crack me up and keep me occupied and not so focused on only the run.  He is such a smart little guy.  Our "runs" used to be mostly walking with sprints mixed in.  However now we are running more than walking.  She has become quite the inspiration to me.  It started off with "if I have someone waiting on me then I will run at least once a week."  To "I cannot wait to run and see her this week!"  Ginger and her husband Greg are also my inspiration for participating in the Akron Roadrunner Relay.
This journey I am on so far has been amazing.  I am amazed at how quickly my body has changed and adapted to CrossFit workouts, running, and even my diet.  I still get sore after most workouts, but nothing like the first few days.  I actually enjoy and embrace the soreness and know that my body will be able to handle the next one to come.  I am not really having the diet cravings that I used to have.  I also notice when I have had too much sugar or carbs that day.  I have a hard time unwinding and sleeping that night.
Tomorrow back to CF.  I will remember my gloves, to eat something light and well before the WOD, and wash my makeup off my face!

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