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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Morning WOD not a total fail but....

Today was my first attempt at a morning WOD.  It wasn't a total fail, but full of blooper moments.  Let me remind everyone...I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON!  This was obvious to everyone in the class including the trainer when I couldn't stop yawning during the warmup.  I was totally winded after 60 seconds of jumprope because I was yawning nonstop during it.
The workout 5-4-3-2-1 ground to overhead squat and muscle ups (I cannot do this yet.)  So scaled it was dips and the movement of a muscle up on the rings from the ground up.  
Well my addition skills were lacking that early in the morning as well.  By the time the workout started I finally realized that I had 55lbs not 40lbs like the trainer had suggested I use.  Then in the round of 3 on the last rep of overhead squats I actually squatted myself all the way to the floor and had to release the bar behind my head to the floor.  I think I was still sleeping.  Everyone looks and shouts the same question, "Are you ok?"  I get up, dust myself off and answer, "Yep, I can do this!"  I then miraculously complete the workout in 7:47.  
So maybe getting up and working out isn't completely horrible.  The smaller class size was nice, and I got to see an old friend from school that comes in the morning.  
Here's to hoping that my next attempt at a morning WOD goes a little smoother.

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