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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A little bit of struggle to make me stronger.

Tonight was HARD!!!  I struggled through the warm up and then struggled through the workout which was only 17 minutes long!  Thrusters, burpee box jumps, and clean and jerks.  None of which came very easy to me tonight.  I did however increase my box jumps to 16 inches!  So I guess tonight wasn't a total mess for me.
My wrists are not feeling all that great right now, even after stretching them out several times.  I was encouraged by the trainer (my wonderful husband) that I will begin to increase my wrist flexibility and that they will not feel like this forever.  I hope he is right.
I also noticed in the shower that I have lovely "burpee bruising" on my knees.  I apparently was throwing myself to the ground during this.
So how do I deal with this?  I have started by going back over my blogs and reading about the times that I have felt successful during my workouts.  This has helped me a ton.  I am strong enough to get through these workouts!  I will continue to get stronger everyday!  I will be better for admitting that tonight was a struggle, and I know one day I will be better.
Tomorrow is a new day and a new WOD.  I just pray that it doesn't include burpees!  (I really HATE burpees.)

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