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Friday, June 15, 2012

Hero WOD at 6am? What am I crazy?!

I wake up, let the dogs out to do their business, grab a bottle of water and fly out the door to get to the 6am class again this morning.  Again, I realize that the class size is much smaller, which I like.  The loading doors opened up as soon as we started into the warm up on this hot summer day.  We focused on a bunch of dynamic stretching before starting.
What I learned for sure today Hero WOD=torture for sure.  These are WODs named after fallen armed forces HEROES!!  This is what I kept thinking to myself while enduring the 25 and a half minutes that it took me to complete it.  
800m run
50 abmat situps (scaled to 30)
50 back extensions (scaled to 30)

However scaling it did not stop me from having sore abs from all those situps!  Or stop the hamstrings from tightening up this afternoon from the back extensions.  Surprisingly the run was the hardest part for me this morning.  My short legs did not want to propel me forward at all!  However I did take a minute to see the beauty of the morning sunrise through the trees.  
I got home, drank my protein shake~not paleo, but I am horrible at cooking bacon-either undercooked or burnt.  There is no in between!  So I just quite trying.  I only eat it when my husband cooks it, perfect every time!  
So then I was off to work.  Here is my dilemma, I am hitting a wall at about 3pm.  I am so tired and want a nap.  Day 2 of 6am was working I thought until 3pm.  I am going to keep trying the 6am for now and see if my body and internal clock will reset.  Any suggestions?

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