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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Not very lady-like WOD hands

So after yesterday's WOD my hands are feeling it.  I have blisters and I now feel official as I have what I am dubbing as WOD hands.  It doesn't feel pleasant at all, but I luckily did not rip them open.
I am realizing that I will no longer have feminine hands.  Breaking nails, splitting nails, blisters, dryness, and calluses will be a part of my life now.  I must accept that.  However, I don't have to accept bad hair.  So in lieu of another WOD at the gym that will tear up my already tender hands, I got my hair done.  I did not skip working out all together though.  I did my own little thing before work.
20 air squats
10 push ups
10 sit ups
This allowed me to work on the core strength that I am lacking.  I would really like to be able to do some of the gymnastic type WODs but I don't have the core or upper body strength to really work much on the rings.  I have a hard time with being able to stabilize and lift myself.  I am actually thinking that since this did not take that long to complete that I may add this to my day.  Well maybe not 6 rounds every day, but a version to work on some extra stability.
I also want to say a big thank you to everyone that is reading the blog.  I cannot believe the stats on my homepage!  Any support or suggestions that any of you would like to give to me is welcome.  Thanks again for reading.

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