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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Feeling like a kid again.

Feeling a little silly tonight at the gym.  I felt like a little kid on the playground with pulls to inversion.  In this move you pull yourself upside down on the rings.  I needed a little assistance from the trainer to get myself upside down.  It was really fun to try something different!
Then in between working on that I had 4 rounds of 500m row.  My best time 2:12 worst time 2:21.  I feel good about both of those since this is only the second time I have gotten on the rowing machines.  
It feels so great to be getting to know some of the other members and feeling like I am a part of the group rather than just the new girl.  They remember my name and cheer me on to be successful!  I am actually enjoying the madness I put my body through.  I feel strong!  
On a side note the non smoker that I have become is an amazing feeling!  I am officially over what experts call the hardest time.  I am officially smoke free 25 days.  My Quitometer that I started states that I have already extended my life by 3 days and saved over $150.00!!  AMAZING!!!  Loving life right now.

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