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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Important lessons learned

I learned a few important lessons today during my workout.  The workout was 500m row and directly to  55lb bench press reps until I failed x4.  I completed 4 500m rows and then a total of 26 55lb bench presses.  (this is much harder than it sounds.)  I also found my max bench press which today was 75lbs.  

Lessons learned
1.  Do not eat pork for a snack an hour before a workout.  You will feel like puking during and after the workout is complete for about an hour.  (I didn't, but really thought it was coming)
2.  Rowing can cause your hands to blister if you hold the bar really tight.
3.  Always wash the days make up off your face before a workout.  You will wipe your face on your shirt at some point and end up with makeup smeared across your face and shirt.

I will have to learn from my lessons today.  All of these things I will not do again!  However, I seem to love the pain and oddly enough the nausea that I received from my workout today.  I think I am a little insane now.  It was not that long ago that I was afraid to even walk into a gym and now I really like it! 

I missed a little bit due to ear infections (yet again) and the other "Utilitarians" as they call themselves at my Box actually asked where I was and if everything is ok.  They genuinely care and want me to be there next to them working out.  I feel like a part of the group for sure.  Dare I say that I too am a Utilitarian?!  Not really sure about that yet.

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